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2020 Facebook Affiliate Marketing 3-Step Success Strategy Revealed


Are you sick and tired of wasting money on Facebook ads, and not making a single penny in return?

It’s bleeding your pockets and hopes completely dry, isn’t it?

Would you be happy if I showed you how to make one, two, three, dozens of sales from one single customer you earn with Facebook affiliate marketing?

Silly question, right? Of course you… We all do!

But the reason I ask this is because I’ve been receiving a lot of questions from folks who are doing affiliate advertising on Facebook and are doing paid ads on this platform but without any success…

“Miles I’m not making any money doing affiliate marketing on Facebook”, “Miles this Facebook ads stuff doesn’t work”, and so on…

It’s because you’ve bought the fake gurus “look at me and duplicate what I do and achieve success too” bull crap!

It’s a lie in order to sell you another overpriced course!

I messed up and failed too and it took me years losing money to learn how to do it right.


My Affiliate Marketing Mistake That I Want to Save You From!


Remember MySpace?

If you don’t, it was Facebook back in the early 2000’s.

I figured out how to hack the system and was sending direct links from social to affiliate products and quickly got to a couple thousand a month from this.

Increased my living expense, that’s what your suppose to do when you make more money right?!

Was about to quit my job, to play the affiliate marketing game full time, and guess what?!

Myspace regs changed overnight and income went from recurring and secure to ZERO just like that!

It was a tough lesson, I go through it deep in how to make money from affiliate marketing  but today we’re going to get you affiliate marketing successfully on Facebook.

Every step to build a business that will sustain the tests of time are here.

Let’s build you the right foundation and change your life!

Build It Smart

You probably learned along the way that affiliate marketing is a great money-making strategy.

And it is!

It’s one of the top online businesses you can start and you can simply bypass the whole long and messy product creation process.

If you use the strategies in this post you will be able to not just make one sale, but learn the way to make hundreds of sales from one customer when you do it right!

Facebook is probably the most neglected online advertising channel of them all

Neil Patel

Each time people click and buy from your affiliate link you receive a commission.

Easy money?

Maybe. But not everybody gets it unless they know how to play their cards right.

So how can you get started, AND make money affiliate marketing with facebook?

Affiliate Links Via Facebook… Think Again!

Now, not everyone who has tried Facebook affiliate advertising gains success.


Two words.

No relationship

Do you send direct links on Facebook to your affiliate products? Do you spray and pray with your ads and posts, hoping someone will bite your clickbait?

If it’s a yes, then that ends today!

Direct-linking someone is not only against Facebook’s Terms of Service. Even worse than that, this strategy does NOT work.

The Facebook platform is smarter than you think and people are too!

Don’t underestimate this…

Facebook wants an excellent user experience so their users keep coming back to Facebook. This is why affiliate marketing on Facebook needs to be done with care.

When you create bull crap spam posts and ads your relevance score sucks, your engagement sucks, and you piss off Facebook and it’s users.

Here’s a very important affiliate marketing facebook rule:

  • Never, ever do direct linking on Facebook if you want to actually grow a long term business.

Here are a few other tips to scratch the back of FB algorithm and begin to win on Facebook.

You need to warm up to your audience first, You’re in this for the successful long haul – right?

How To Make Facebook Affiliate Advertising Successful

When you receive a product recommendation from a friend and one from a stranger, which recommendation are you going to take?

A friend whom you:

  • Know
  • Like
  • And trust, of course!

And the same thing applies to affiliate marketing.

Just because you followed a few great FB ads, wrote your perfect story copy, and hired the top rated graphics guy on Fiverr, that doesn’t amount to crap if you’re just some affiliate marketer selling something.

You look pretty, you look the part, but using Facebook goes beyond that…

The information era has passed my friend, the new game is attention and it takes energy to earn and keep attention, not a plug and play template.

Become A Trusted Adviser Instead

It takes time to build trust and a solid relationship with people.

You can’t just randomly post an ad on Facebook about a product and expect people to flock your way. It’s not about necessarily  having a big Facebook group or highly engaged fan page with dozens of posts…

It’s about the art of bringing people off the platform and on to a page you own to really make things happen.

Establish a following, grow a tribe, become a trusted advisor and position yourself as someone who cares and is eager to solve their problems.

But how do you do it?

How do you build a relationship with a cold audience that gives you the right to offer hundreds of products?

The 3 Step Marketing Strategy That Works

With the foundation of relationship and not spam established.

You need to only master two things to make a crazy amount of money from affiliate marketing.

  1. Getting leads
  2. Enhancing those leads lives

What you must understand is that every new affiliate marketing customer is on a journey, a road to a specific goal and destination and along that road they need to, over time, purchase hundreds of products.

When you understand this fundamental shift that few have caught up on, you leave the clickbaiters behind in the dust and no longer have to concoct new tricky plans every 3- months for the rest of your life.

All you do is take one group of people from point A, B, or C, to Z over time.

It just takes time…

This gives you the ability to make money fast AND is the secret sauce to increasing your customer lifetime value, the key performance indicator you must know.

Offering products, services, membership programs, tools, courses and more along the way.

This is how the internet has so many amazon affiliates marketing to millions of people – and in turn… Making tons of money.

Here is the treasure map to crush this journey.

So how do you get leads for your affiliate marketing business, how do you nurture those leads changing your life and theirs?

You build an affiliate sales funnel.

1) Win With an Optin – The Power of a Lead Magnet

Want more chances than one to get sales from your affiliate products?

How about over 50 chances to earn commissions from each customer every year?

Capture an email address with facebook ads and you have that opportunity.

How do you capture an email address? Give something for FREE first.

Here is an ultra short list to consider as your give away:

  • an eBook
  • a Masterclass
  • A 7-Day Challenge
  • A Free Ultimate Guide on How to…
  • A Mini-course
  • A Webinar
  • A Checklist
  • A Blueprint
  • A Free Trail

2) Build a Bridge Page and Introduce Yourself – Your First Click Opportunity

A bridge page in your sales funnel is the proper way to use Facebook traffic.

Create a page to “bridge” the relationship.

This will:

  1. You get to say hey to your new subscriber after they leave social media.
  2. You confirm to them that you’re going to deliver the free thing they gave you their email address for
  3. You bridge them from a new subscriber to a new potential customer.

On your Bridge page you want to let them know the type of emails they are going to be receiving and get them excited that you are going to help them with their number one desire on an ongoing basis.

A video sales letter is great on your bridge page.

Remember, a Facebook Page and Facebook ads can only do so much. A great way to get started making money is when you craft your sales message on a page you own – not a social media platform.

In your sales copy, talk about where you’ve been and how you can help them with their goals, you can additionally recommend to them the first affiliate product that will help them.

3) Win With an Engaged List – Hundreds of Click Opportunities

Now you’ve just used Facebook ads to get people on your list… Now what?

Affiliate marketing on Facebook really gets moving when you send out dozens and dozens of super helpful emails to your list!

This is where the cream rises to the top in affiliate marketing.

You want to as fast as you can, dial in a great autoresponder campaign.

A successful email autoresponder campaign will follow a formula of give, give, give, ask emails that will cement their trust in you.

This is why you’ve done all the hard work of getting their email and moving their attention away from the Facebook page. Yes having people’s attention directed toward your social media Facebook page can help you build brand, but you REALLY get to communicate with people through email.

Email 1, 2, 3 will be all about them. You give them a link to a YouTube video that will help them,  a free article to read, a podcast interview that comes alongside solving their biggest problem.

Then, email 4 or 5 is where you recommend the affiliate product you’re offering, and this is only after you have shared stories with them, gave them free stuff, free advice, etc, that helped them in their journey.


How to Succeed!!

Becoming a successful affiliate marketer on Facebook is tricky and challenging, and it requires real work. You can post stuff all day, but it takes quality Facebook ads to really move the needle. Beyond that you learn that using Facebook for lead generation is your main focus.

But you can ultimately achieve this by following the right steps and avoiding common pitfalls people make that cause their affiliate marketing business to come crashing down.

It’s not the list that makes your business thrive.

It’s not even the affiliate product you sell!

But the real success factor to your Facebook affiliate marketing is you GIVING value, help, advice, and solution to the problems of your audience.

It’s in how you engage with your list.

Give freely no matter how long it takes, even if it takes 3 or 5 emails before your audience takes action and purchases from you.


Get them to know, like, trust you. Forget the direct linking, forget the bull fake gurus telling you how to make your affiliate marketing business soar by creating more posts.

Get started in affiliate marketing on Facebook by:

  • Building a relationship,
  • Giving value to your audience,
  • And be a caring friend to them who is there to solve their problems through legit, tried and tested products you offer.

Now you know how you can thrive with affiliate marketing on Facebook.